divendres, 2 de juny del 2017

new 3-3 term

The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution states that the people have a right to be “secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, ” It was originally included in the Bill of Rights because at the time of the amendment’s ratification, the Founding Fathers were extremely fearful of the rise of tyranny in the new world. Warrantless searches and seizures were common under the rule of the king, and the framers included language about privacy protection in the Constitution to ensure that the same practice didn’t continue. Sadly, over two centuries of progressivism and corruption within the federal government has made the Fourth Amendment all but irrelevant.

FRAMER:  an open structure that gives shape and support to something, such as the transverse stiffening ribs of a ship's hull or an aircraft's fuselage or the skeletal beams and uprights of a building 

IRRELEVANT: adj   not relating or pertinent to the matter at hand; not important  

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